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Ravenwood Faire

October 18, 2024 @ 3:00 pm - October 27, 2024 @ 5:00 pm EDT

As autumn arrives, Ravenwood is abustle, gathering in the fall harvest and preparing to celebrate the birthday of the Queen. The Baron and Baroness of Ravenwood will have nothing but the best for Her Majesty and invite one and all to be part of the festivities! The other baronies of Ravenwood, Terranor, Windemere, Emberon, and Aquitaine, will be there to help make it the best birthday ever! There is word that there is some discontent between some of the baronies – who knows what will happen? Come marvel at the fine wares presented for your consideration by skilled artisans and craftsmen. Savor the flavor of meads, ales, and delicacies purveyed by the kingdom’s best brewers and cooks. Delight in the songs and revelry of the known world’s most talented musicians. And watch closely as the feuding baronies do their best to impress the Queen and try to win her favor. Join Baron Robert and Baroness Adela and the Ravenwood Players at the Ravenwood Faire! Let them bring the story and the baronies of Ravenwood to life around you. Make ready the feasts, the games, the songs! Let the festivities begin! Huzzah!


Frederick County Fairgrounds
250 Fairground Road
Clear Brook, VA 22624 United States
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